Course: Become a No-code SaaS Founder

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"Powerful tools need powerful teachers. Learning how to use Bubble can feel like climbing a mountain. Kieran makes it feel like a breeze and unlocks its full potential step by step until you unlock yours." - Sarkis Buniatyan aka SAKO

What’s in this course?

In this comprehensive and detailed course I'll show you how to build a full SaaS app from start to finish in

I will build the app in real-time in front of you. Because I’m not skipping any details, the process will, in parts, be repetitive and tedious. This is the reality of building a decent app, even with no-code. So please don’t expect a quick satisfying summary like the rest of the content we’ve been programmed to consume.

The type of app we will build is a page/website builder, where your users can create their own page(s) in your app, customise them, and pay for premium features. This type of functionality is at the core of many popular websites and can easily be extended into a social network, marketplace, or website builder.

In addition I cover numerous aspects of Bubble from beginner to advanced builders, as well as show you my build process, hints and tips, and Bubble best practices. This could be the only Bubble course you'll ever need!

Altogether there are over 12 hours of high-quality video content in this course.

Preview of the app (many features not shown)

This short video is a quick walkthrough of the app we’ll be building. You’ll not just be learning how to build this app but the fundamentals of how each feature is built, meaning you can go off and build a completely different app using the same principles, or build this app but with different UI/UX.

Who is it for?

This course is for you if:

  • You want to start your own no-code SaaS business
  • You have at least a basic understanding of Bubble e.g. you’ve done the free Bubble tutorials and played around with it a bit
  • You’re willing to invest the time it takes to build a real, solid product

This course is not for you if:

  • You’ve never used Bubble before (you need to start with some beginner level tutorials)
  • You’re not willing to invest the time to watch the entire course

What does this course cover?

This is not one of those “Build an AirBnb clone” courses where you finish with a half-baked product which lacks half the functionality you wanted. This is a course detailing every step you need to build a full-SaaS, warts and all!

  • What we’re building
  • Designing a scalable database structure
  • Using style variables and setting up styles
  • Header
    • User sign up
    • User log in
  • Welcome/onboarding flow
  • Designing a beautiful landing page
  • Creating a cool sidebar settings menu
    • Create/edit main content
    • Create/edit social proof
    • Create/edit projects
    • Create/edit other skills
    • Create/edit contact links
    • Design tab
  • Header
    • Menu
    • Mobile menu
  • Footer
  • Pricing page
    • Stripe payments
  • Sidebar settings tab
    • Custom domains for your end users
  • Search page
  • Account page
    • Managing subscriptions
    • Webhooks for cancellations
  • Integrating Postmark for emails
  • Landing page
  • Privacy rules
  • Deploying to live
  • Applying a custom domain

Preview of the course interface on Podia. After purchasing you will receive an invitation to the course content.

In section 15 we cover integration Stripe for user subscriptions

Who is teaching this course?

Hi, my name is Kieran aka @nocodelife on Twitter.

I’ve been a SaaS entrepreneur since 2015 and started building with no-code in 2019. Since then I’ve launched more than ten full SaaS products built on Bubble.

My current active Bubble SaaS projects are:

  • - a super-fast landing page builder for testing and launching ideas quickly (currently at $600MRR)
  • Daily - a course creator for Notion users

I’m also a keen Bubble educator. My last Bubble course was bought 226 times and had a 5 star rating.

“Bubble Crash Course by Kieran and Pablo is my Bubble Bible. It introduced me to Bubble when I was a confused beginner, and it continues to help me today whenever I want to revisit specific concepts. Besides the high quality content within the course, Pablo and Kieran are super approachable on Twitter, and are always ready to go the extra mile to help out. I’ve already recommended this course to pretty much anyone who’s asked me how to get started with Bubble, and I don’t think I’m going to stop any time soon. Easily one of the highest ROI purchases I’ve made in my life. If you’re looking for a friendly entry into the Bubbleverse, this course is a no-brainer.” - Louis Pereira (@louispereira)

No-code tools like Bubble have created a huge opportunity for non-coders like me to build software businesses. I love building SaaS products with no-code and also love teaching Bubble, and inspiring others to become no-code SaaS founders.

I wanted to create this course because I’m often being asked how I built and wanted to share the knowledge!

I want this!

Over 12 hours of high quality video content, plus database schema and style sheet.

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Course: Become a No-code SaaS Founder

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